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We4Ce Rotor Blade Design Portfolio

All rotor blade designs are developed, in cooperation and iterative process with the turbine manufacturer, to make the best fit. Next to the turbine fit, the production process, material choices and chosen production process to guarantee a most cost effective result.

Below a table with a selection of MW classes executed for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines ( HAWT)

For portfolio 100kW – 1500kW rotor blade designs, please contact us due to multiple solutions.

Please contact us for other request for vertical axis wind turbines, 2-bladed solution, or chirocoptor solutions.


We4Ce Blade Root Bushing Solution 

The We4Ce Blade Root Bushing Solution can be designed in, not only in We4Ce Rotor Blades, but also in third party rotor blades. Examples delivered  to third parties:
300kW, 1.0MW, 2.0MW, 3.XMW, 4.XMW, 5.XMW, 6.XMW, 8MW.

More than 25,000 wind turbines world-wide do have We4Ce blade technology implemented. Blade Root Connections available M20,M30, M36, M42.

Please contact us for technology license, or hardware delivery opportunities.


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